Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Miao Miao

Originally uploaded by Chen.Hui

1st group outing to shoot cats

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our visit to Singapore Zoo (28th June 2009)

Ok... it's a long long time since I update my blog.. Dang busy lar.. what with service system down and with customers' call piling up, me really can't motivate myself to express in my blog again. In summary, dang super busy!

Anyway, last Saturday me n hubby planned to go to this place: Singapore Zoo. Hmm I think since I standard 6, long time no pay a visit to this infamous zoo. Quite a few friends say worth to go, cos the animals are not underfed and sleepy at the max. Ok, well I guess we can give it a shot since hubby also wanna take pic there.. minus the tripod.

We went there by cab from our CCK area. Fare is still ok, but the entrance fee? Ermm.. approx. RM40 (convert to SG by yourselves, k?) I'm tellin' ya, once crossed the ticket gates it's like... a jungle with an entrance.. And, it's true.. the animals are not so sleepy and they are not skinny.. Anyhow hubby got some cool shots over here (with luck):
(Cotton Top Tail Tamarin)
(The Ever Hungry Otters) (Beautiful Cheetah)
(The Meowing Leopard/ Jaguar [not sure])
(Photogenic White Parrot)
(The Bloke Killer - Omar The White Tiger)

My verdict? Worth it - not a bad experience, however the Zoo map can be quite confusing. Definitely a challenge to road blinders ;o)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Bag

Yesterday, SEGA Corp's Mobile Business Dev Dept paid us a visit to Singapore for marketing and sales review. It took about 3 hours, excluding lunch and chat chat session. Although the whole afternoon is about brainstorming and sharing ideas, although we end up tired and lack of coffee, it turned out pretty well.

At night, we brought the Japanese to Clarke Quay for a fantastic meal and beer at Brewerkz. I would never know that the Japs loved western food, I guess western food is hard to get in Japan. Nevertheless, Brewerkz food did not dampened our spirits to eat more haha.. cos all the food we ordered are truly a delish and sinful as well :) Just that, we couldnt finish all in the end cos the beer was in our stomach :P

We met SEGA virtually online, where there was a biz opportunity being introduced by Nokia and I got to know both Kono-san and Oono-san over email and MSN. Kono-san is a very fun guy and he would indirectly share us funny stories which actually, they are making sense in a funny way. Oono-san is Kono-san's direct superior, a serious man at work but he really loosen up when he's out of work. I suppose they are looking forward for some fun after being so hardworking in their mainland.

Kono-san is also kind enough to help me get a tokidoki+Hello Kitty handbag, all the way from Japan! Wow, this is just so kind of him. He knew I like Tokidoki and he offered to help me get it from a shop which sells at a cheaper price. At long last I have an original Tokidoki bag. Next target: another Tokidoki hahaha..

Oh I also have another target: Visiting Tokyo. Yeah, Daniel got the chance to at least touch the grounds there via his company trip. But I will also wanna go there to see the places there and of course, meeting up with my biz partners there. Ok, so new resolution made: save more money!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

★∮ 12星座的的戀愛本質 ∮★


~ 熱情如火的情人
蘊藏美妙戀情力量的人,一旦喜歡上一個人,就會發揮真正實力的戀愛技巧。雖然能打敗情敵得到最後勝利,但也稍欠些性感或是性格,疏忽大意是絕對禁制的。對 戀愛很率直的白羊座,很容易變成罔顧週遭其他人的想法,我行我素。由於缺少體貼及細心,所以常常不知不覺中傷害他人或情人。雖然可以擁有戲劇性的戀愛,但 也別忘了戀愛它是有規則的,小心會成為壽命不長的戀愛史。


~ 固執優雅的情人
文靜的外表下,隱藏著大膽的個性,可說是出人意料擁有戀愛專長的人。在戀愛中容易變成接受者的金牛座,在溫柔,善良及適度的害羞之下,都能讓異性產生保護 慾,也擁有構成戀愛的魅力要素,但因吸引力不足,造成實力下滑,實在很可惜。執著的性格反而是缺點所在,總是認為有一天對方一定會明白我的心意,而很有耐 性的等下去。這時只要積極的表現出自己,就一定會成功的,但卻老是磋砣不前。


~ 善變的情人
雙子座的戀愛本質雖然是滿高的,但總有一些薄情意味。那種對戀愛沒有向上心,使戀愛經常差一步而失去成果。其實只要你願意就能成功了。頭腦聰明,說話又有 技巧,是具有喚醒異性的戀愛專家。你在聚會時能非常順暢的讓男女之間和諧,且營造出快樂氣氛。喜歡自己追求愛情,勝過對方對你告白。但在有結果後,立刻會 有厭倦感出現。即使現在的戀情帶給你痛苦,卻能立刻轉變為下一個戀情時的利用工具。這點是無人能比的。


~ 戀家的情人


~ 自信的情人


~ 要求完美的情人
以可憐,清純的模樣受到高評價的處女座,在辨公室等絕對受到年長異性重視的,對戀人的要求條件很嚴格,並且擅長算計。處女座的關鍵字是純情,認為現實中存 在的男性都有那麼一些污點,常夢想一位白馬王子的出現,而且又有強烈被保護意識,只要找到理想的男性,付出多大的努力也都無所謂。在年齡上,或許相差滿多 的男性,在條件上來看會比較合適也不一定。


~ 若即若離的情人


~ 愛恨分明的情人
誰都知道天蠍座所擁有的妒忌心,在戀愛時的任何一種情況下,都會展露出來。那是因為不精通戀愛的性格所致,天蠍大多數不會移情別戀,只專心於一人的專情之 星座。天蠍座的熱情像是快要噴出岩漿的火山,但在表面上卻完全看不出來。只要進展到戀愛關係時,沒有別的星座能比天蠍座更強烈了,但因在外觀上表現非常的 文靜,所以尋求戀人時很費時,更不敢輕易的踏入第一步。


~ 酷愛自由的情人


~ 工作狂的情人
乍看和戀愛的甜蜜氣氛無緣似的,不知為何和年長對象的戀情,卻又是那麼超強,可以說是地下情的優等生,對戀愛的認真態度也是無法形容的。對愛一心一意,保 守味濃的摩羯座。不會撒嬌也不亂使性子的個性,有點吃虧。在心愛的人面前不能鬆懈心情,也是令人可悲的。只要稍微表現一點對異性的依賴,那關係立刻就會有 所改變,而且也常會認為或許帶給對方麻煩而考慮過多。


~ 柏拉圖的情人
和其他星座對戀愛觀持不同看法的水瓶座,雖以像朋友又像情人的超信賴關係結合的二人,卻希望不要互相束縛,彼此建立一種無負擔關係。對自己的心意非常忠實 的你,只要發生興趣,就會毫不在乎的去接近對方。製造戀愛起端的高手,不會拖泥帶水的你,在異性心中頗受喜愛。可是相反的,對對方執著的心也很弱,這也是 造成對方不安的最大原因。以態度來表示你的愛意,偶爾還是有必要的。


~ 溫柔浪漫的情人
男性所喜愛的項目每一項分數都很高,受歡迎度高也是可以明白的。可是要說這樣在戀愛上就沒問題,也不見得。雖然你屬於戀愛接受者,卻擁有為了他犧牲自己也 所謂的情操。戀愛時為了他盡心盡力的模樣是很偉大,但要完全配合對方的愛情理念正是問題所在。你可能會因對方對你厭倦而終日以淚洗面,或被對方玩弄的可能 性也極高。所以千萬小心不要太受支配而受到傷害呀!

The Sims 3 Countdown to Singapore

Monday, April 6, 2009

Red Alert 3 + Sims 2

Wahahahahaha.... Red Alert 3 Uprising... is in my hands!

This series is totally totally CUN (superb in Malay), I had an overview of the units from all parties (Allied, Soviet and Japan) and they are superbly designed and unique of its own. I actually dunno how to describe, but it's just that the graphics, videos are just so nice and splendidly done. In fact my eyes cannot tear away from them while I was doing work. (Hehe.. ok, just a while only k?) They even invited hot-shot celebrities to be a part of the videos.

The verdict? Get it and no regrets!

The other game that I want badly is The Sims 2. Ok, I know The Sims 3 is going to be on the racks in a couple of months but after looking at the expansions, I can't resist much... I just need to get it!!!! Ok, probably The Sims 3 is similarly interesting like the 2nd but I hope the latest one would not have complicated technical complications like the 2nd. (Sigh I just dunno why I couldn't install it, thats why I'm desperate to get it)

(The Sims 2: Pets Expansion, one of the reason that I want it)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm Dreaming of.... Bali

Yesh.. hubby say August plan to go Bali.. wow, sweet dream come true! Actually hubby's job requirements is really a pain in the neck, almost every month will need to work his ass off except for August. Why? According to SG locals, it is a taboo to have events/roadshows in August (Chinese calendar - July), which I forgotten what's the taboo but what the heck he could apply leave and bring me go traveling.

Since working with this company a lot of trips we cannot go together ady, his bosses don't allow outsiders to join them. Thats why when he went to Tokyo I went down to Australia ALONE. So since August is coming, so we plan to go to Bali for a treat.

In fact my mind is already drifting across the Indonesian Sea to that beautiful island. The happy sunshine, the soothing winds, pleasant environment.. a good retreat for city dwellers.

I really hope to have these below in my holiday there. But I know they cost a lot, oh well hope luck is with me to get them :D

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Daydream Prince Charming

Everyone has a daydream, be it dreaming of going to a holiday, at a beach or at somewhere/some place where you were taken away without aware. Well, my current daydream? It's Hugh Jackman. Ya, the guy who played as Wolverine. Haha.. last time it was Justin Timberlake, but Justin is still in my heart.

It wasn't like this until I come across Youtube and found these amazing videos of Hugh hosting AND performing at the Oscars. Gosh I never thought he would host, dance and sing at the same time!

Have a view:

In summary, he is just so freaking HOT and SEXY!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Why is it sometimes I'm not in good mood

Like the title, it would happen when I'm boarding MRT especially during working days.

Yeah, loads of people outside this country would say, 'MRT good ah, convenient ah, cheaper mode of transport ma'.. Yes, it is seems like a good mode of transport, lots of carriage, spa
ces etc... but they will never know how it feels like when you are one of the commuters.

Throughout my 1 year stay in Singapore, at first i thought it's ok.. then gradually I'm sick of taking it. If the journey is long then I got no choice la.. but it's the other commuters. In the morning when you are in a mood (bad mood) cos of the morning rush, you wish to have a quiet moment of your own. Then you can hear music.. not those soothing music, it's those music that comes from other ppl's MP3 player. Health experts already advise
not to listen to sounds/music at a high volumn, or else your ear drum is bigger than the drum and becomes deafer in no time. Yes, the youngsters are like that... they must be rich, can change their earphones anytime if they are spoilt. Some even like to blast music from their phone, like telling ppl that they are the DJ of that carriage. I dunno what is the culture like being like this, people would enjoy it meh? If the blaster enjoy it I would say they are damn selfish folks lor...

Another few things which I really beh tahan, is the grab poles. More and more people are taking the train, so grab poles are a must and must be enough for everybody. But there are SOMEBODIES who doesnt think so. When they are at the poles, instead they lean against it. I saw it 1 time there's this big fat ass lady leaned against the pole, where the butt cheeks protuded at the side (imagine a stick being stuck in the middle of it). So this kind of act nobody will wanna grab it, cos no1. your ass dun hv anti-fungal solution sprayed on it, so who knows what comes out of your butt and stuck at the pole (YUCK) no.2 your body so stuck to the pole, wanna do the pole-dancing is it... no ones stopping you.

Some commuters has this mentality, they always think seats are like GOLD. When a semi-empty train stops at the platform, doors open and you can see several swarms of aunty and uncle rush to the empty seats like found gold... Wahlao, the seats are plastic lor, not made of gold lor.. summore push here push there just to get the seats, very 'cheap' act ok... Some commuters also have this funny mentality: I paid for the ride, means I also paid for a seat. So I MUST have a seat. Gee, I dunno who developed this mentality, but I'm sure it's those kiasu kiasi greedy people. If like that why not take taxi leh? Taxi is really you pay you SIT ah.. comfortable also, like got chauffeur servicing you.

A lot of people think Singapore is an orderly country. Ya meh, you havent seen the rest of the world only... Ok, on the platform they got yellow lines ma, the PA system always like to announce 'Attention please, for your safety please stand behind the yellow line. Please stand behind the yellow line. Thank you' or 'Attention please, please make way for alighting passengers before boarding'... Smart people hear liao also know what to do.. Right, the situation which I always see is.. yes, people are standing behind the yellow line, but when the train approaches and stops, haha those kiasu kiasi people began to stand in the middle lar.. or push their way nearer to the door. (Back to the find gold concept.) Other worse case is while waiting for train some even stand in the middle of the yellow tunnel. See below:


Sigh.... what a misconception of an orderly country. Would rather they have more personnel than to encourage those people from doing this. Men'siasui' sendiri aje jek...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Day to Remember

Just an hour ago I received a call from my cousin which brought news that I do not wish to hear: grandpa has breathed his last breath at home.

This morning he was admitted to ICU again, latest update was his BP is getting lower and unstable. Things were not at their positive side, which I kept praying and wishing hard that he can go thru this stage. Father SMSed me twice about getting ready, which I reluctantly and pushing myself not to think negative of things. When I was traveling home, I called my cousin again and she said grandpa has decided to go home, which 2 hrs later he joined Buddha in Heaven.

I do not know how to describe it.. the feeling of losing someone so dearly is.. well, I would put it that I can't accept it at first, but thinking that we will go someday which only Heaven knows when.. missing him is a sure-have, but seeing him contentedly t
o let Buddha take him is a blessing.

However I was glad to see him at last during CNY, and that Dear saw him and p
aid respect to him. It is a worth-while experience which I'm sure Dear will cherish this moment.

R.I.P Dato Sim Mow Yu. Your enthusiasm, courage and endless contribution for Chinese Education stays strong in our hearts and the Chinese. We will always remember your hearty laughter, your blowpipe organ, your voice and for sure, I will not forget the values that you taught us and we are still happy that you can finally join Grandma and aunty up there..

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Is this You?

Try this link, I chose mine and I think it is my character.

What does your horoscope say?

Actually it is just an assumption, but I think it still covers the main character of that horoscope. However this could be useful if you are in doubt of that person.. hahaha

Monday, January 19, 2009

It is CNY 2009

It will be CNY 2009 in a week. Yes, everyone seems to be in CNY mood d, the minds are wandering off a bit to be celebrating. For us as foreigners working away from home this is a good time to be back to our homes again and spend it with our family and long-time-no-see friends.

However, I dont think this year's CNY will be an enjoyable one:-
1) Grandpa is still in hospital
2) My dear kena stuck at work

For point 1, it is still clear to see. My grandfather is getting well, but still need constant care and observation in the hospital. I really dunno whether he will be well to be at the reunion days and 1st day 2nd day and so on.. CNY without him is really big difference.

For point 2, it is the worst feeling one could feel. I don't get it, it is common that dear applies for 3 days leave during CNY period. It is very normal, im sure most of us will take a few days off with family and friends. Very funny, his bosses ask him to change date of travel but we just couldn't. We already booked the flight last year and to change: i) need to be very patient cos Tiger Airways Singapore never pick up call ii) Need to pay the surcharge ... The funniest thing is his bosses would ask him "why go book the ticket before discussing?" I would answer "Duh, this is promotional flight. If still have to ask you to discuss I think I no need to go home cos fully booked" COMMON SENSE!

The thing very funny also is, they suggest to him to take leave on coming Friday, then back to work on 28th (3rd CNY day).. how could they suggest such a funny timing? The objective is dear can have 4 days of rest. So? People gathering and reunion is during 1st and 2nd day.. till 15th of CNY, not BEFORE CNY. You think other people's relatives VERY FREE to accomodate your timing is it? If it is why don't you pay the relatives some incentive for accomodating your staff's time?
Die die also want dear to report to work on 28th.. ok lor, but they also forgot that 27th and 28th.. bus operators in KL sure wont operate.. people in KL mostly are from other states, they also lazy to open business for you lar.. CNY leh, balik kampung is to reunion leh.. so why don't they also PAY the bus operators to open business??

Sometimes it's really funny.. is it that they actually really HEARTLESS to tear other ppl's feelings away from special days? People already 1 month never see parents ady.. allow a small exception/leave for staff to meet family.. also cannot meh? Maybe to locals it is not a big deal, but to Malaysians it IS a BIG DEAL. Thats why got traffic jams on the highway, KL city is very quiet during this period..

Sigh dunno lar.. i think his bosses never understand the meaning of FAMILY and the emotions of being away from home. I guess all of them were being pampered in a way. Sigh!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Samsung Pixon M8800

Dear finally signed up for a new mobile line since his stay in Singapore for 7 months. A bit late huh? Well he previously has his personally shopping list (Nikon DSLR, bookcase etc) and his enjoyable company trip to Japan. (Well, not too enjoyable as I couldn't join him).. but anyway, he finally got his own mobile line.

At first he has set his eyes on SE G900, but after playing the demo phone a few rounds he was already disappointed with the phone's features and functions. Erm.. function wise I think is still ok la, but something was missing on that phone.. Anyway while he is spending his 1 hour away at this SE shop I walked around the mall and entered Samsung shop. There, they have a few sets of handsets which I think it's enough for everyone to try. So I tried on F480 and Pixon and Omnia, hmm i think can drag dear to the shop and try geh.. plus he is very interesting in touch screen phones. Ok, so he is not really happy with G900 so I pulled him over to Samsung to try the touch screens. He like F480, but he lagi like the Pixon more.

Personally I agree with him. Sleek, stylish, executive look, expensive look.. haha.. it's a good looking phone, camera functions are good, can play more.. the only Cons which I dont prefer is it has no WiFi. Sad huh?

However dear has signed up the line and has gotten Pixon, which I would like to
congratulate him for making a final decision and has sticked to it.. (Previously he kept buggering me on which handset: G900 or Pixon? Pixon dont hv WiFi but G900 has wor.. but G900 camera not so good..those kind of things)..

Here're some image of Pixon, which I think it really captured dear's heart to it. Oh dear, am I jealous over a handset? Puh-lease!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Target: Sony Ericsson G705

Yup, me want to change new phone d, from Nokia to SE. I would think that this is a very good change, as I'm back to the SE touch.

Previously when I sign up a line, I was thinking "Ok la, signing up for a line with new handset is reasonably priced if compared to signing up for it in KL" So I chose Nokia N81, which in a good way it comes in handy when I need to test content with it.

Yeah, it's a bit bulky and thick (for a girl's hands), the themes etc are more customized than for SE. Colour also more vibrant (cos 16m colour) and screen is big enough even for a bad eye sight person. It's quite good actually when it has WiFi function where I can use it when im at a hotspot whenever I go. The bad side is the camera is not good, 2MP only.. well, if compared to my old SE K618i the pictures coming out of K618i looks better than from N81.

As time passes, gradually using my N81 I have more inconveniences. If i don't like the theme, I have to go to the Applications Manager to uninstall it. After clicking the Uninstall, the phone need to take like a few secs to HANG there then the phone runs normally again.. what la.. Then the themes.. if taken from net, those 'creators' are either young or cute. The wallpaper is nice.. but the icons they created for looks so ugly and ugly only. Hello la.. the UI of N81 is already so like that, why go make the icons more so like that?

Anyway this is just a personal opinion.. cos personally I dont think Nokia Symbian phones are really user friendly, and because of that a lot of aunty n uncle dunno how to use, yet went and sign up for a high-end phone. There were a few times they call up cos they dunno how to use the correct GPRS to view the Live4d.. so I ask them to click on Phone menu, and they can ask 'where to click for phone menu?' PENGSAN!!!!

Oh well, the reason i chose G705 is because it has WiFi.. Hahaha lame! Well it is almost like N81 in terms of function, but its camera is 3.2 MP (too bad without auto-focus, oh what the heck..N81 also dun hv la) it's slimmer... it's built more towards a girl's touch :D

Lets see the demo HERE.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Countdown to 630pm

Seriously.. this is not good! I'm supposed to be WORKING lehh.. and now it's just 17:23! WTH?!

Well, actually 6pm is good enough, reason is I do not have to answer anymore crappy phonecalls till tomorrow. Our customer hotline closes at 6pm, at most 6pm SHARP. Wahahaha.. by 5:55pm like that i'll just switch the line off. This move is enough to end my day peacefully.

I dunno why, today is Thursday and it's just a day away from Friday, my second fave day during my working days. Haha this is funny, I do rate those 7 days normally:-

The day which is No.1 that I don't like: MONDAY = Mundane. Does Garfield ring a bell here?
The day which is No.2 that I don't like: SUNDAY. Especially Sunday night, cos I really don't like to think of Monday.

The day which is No.1 that I like: SATURDAY. Whole day FREE from everything! No need to think of work, but keep thinking of SLEEP SLEEP & EAT EAT (with control of course) hahahaha..
The day which is No.2 that I like: FRIDAY! Cos next day is Saturday.. no need to work maaa..

Hmmm what other things that I rate my days? Oh.. if I'm on leave or going traveling, that period is I like most of the days but the day to go back to my responsibility at work is like a DISASTER = Moody, busy like never busy before, email here n there.. ARGH! Other days would be VERY HAPPY if next day is Public holiday, or if Public holiday falls on Sunday then Monday no need to work.. XIOK!

So, next Public Holiday = Chinese New Year. Yup, some holiday which I'm looking forward to. Can eat again, can receive little angpow for luck.. and I hope grandpa is well again for this occasion. May Buddha bless him..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


哦..今天是我和Daniel 注册一个月周年...嘻嘻,真好笑..怎么才一个月就要记下来咩?


一个月前,我和他是拍拖8年的男女朋友.. 8年了,当然是有很开心的时候也更有很不开心的时候, 也包括了“打情骂俏” “洒花枪” 等等情趣时刻..

这8年来,我在他身上真的体会什么是包容和忍让。我是觉得只有他会忍让我这样的性格,无论我做错什么, 甚至伤了他的心。。他还是等着我回来。是的,起初他说很想放弃这段感情但他做不到。听起来好像觉得他怕一个人孤孤单单,但其实不是的。我们8 年在一起了,什么欢乐时光,风风雨雨我们都是一起度过。他也一直保护我,容忍我。他的所作所为已足够让我体会到他对我多么的认真和爱惜,也让我有安全感.

其实我也要开始要改口叫他老公了,对外人就要改口叫他丈夫或 Husband. 唉,我自己一直提醒自己一定要改口。。

怎么都好,男女朋友们无论是什么吵架等等,千万不能提“分手”这两个字.. 在爱情手册里这是很 Pantang 的咧。万一吵架到其中一个提分手,结果真的分手了,那接下来你想挽回这份感情也要等奇迹了...所以吵架的时候最好是两人静一下好好谈咯.. Simple maa, 大事化小,小事化无。大家都 Happy, 不是更好?

Moving on is simple, it’s what you leave behind that makes it so difficult.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Get Well Soon Grandpa

My grandfather age is getting older, and that also means his health is getting weaker for a 96 year old man.

My grandfather is a very strong willed man, he is very very enthusiatic over Chinese culture. Throughout my schooling years my grandpa always ask us to practise our chinese calligraphy and read more newspaper and books. Which I suppose.. my chinese calligraphy is somewhat ok in my standard, but my chinese vocab.. urgh no way. Only certain Chinese books I would read, but most of it I would prefer to read in English. I guess I'm one of a kind Chinese, can speak and write Chinese but would prefer to read in English :P

He is still lying in the hospital in the ICU department. The ward only allows 2 person at a time at certain fixed visiting hours. Yesterday morning Dan and I visited him, he was sleeping at that time. When he woke up, the first thing he say is "昨晚我一个人在这里,很闷. 不可以看报纸,不可以小便.不可以动来动去,令我昨晚不想吃东西." Later on we all comforted him and ask him to tell the nurses what he want, and of course we try to ask him to look at the bright side of the situation. Sigh I understand his situation.. looking at him his body (though covered in pyjamas) were actually being inserted some tubes and stuff.. it is extremely uncomfortable and he cannot move an inch too much. We also knew that he missed my cousin wedding last night, where everyone is happy and he's in hospital, and at such an old age who wouldn't understand the loneliness he's going thru? To us, without him there it is like the environment is so different and strange. Well I really do not have the courage to visit him actually, cos I do not like to see him unhappy. But as a grandchild it is a part which I have to do and also, the chance of letting him to see Daniel for the first time as the husband of his grandchild (me)

But, we do hear good news after the visit. Grandpa's mood turned better after our visits (with other relatives as well) and the doctor say grandpa wont need to do dialises at the moment, as his kidneys are responding well to the medicine. Thank goodness for that.

I really hope grandpa can be well soon. Chinese New Year is coming near, I hope he is there healthier to celebrate this season again.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

Hurray.. today is the 1st day of 2009! A new year, a new beginning!

It has also marked the 1 year spot of my stay in Singapore, and it really means time really flies quickly. Some say the more you are older, the faster the time is flying. Well, it seems like it's a fact.

Flashing back to year 2008, happy and sad things also had happened in my life. However, no matter whether it's a sad or a happy situation it will just make you feel and think different, thus an upgrade of mind to oneself.

Oh well, many people may have gone to a public hot spot to countdown and watch fireworks.. hehe but not me. I don't know why I'm acting like this, probably the thought of squeezing with people and shouting out 5..4..3..2.
.1 is not what I intend to spend the last few minutes of 2008. If I'm not mistaken, the NYE party will be held in Marina Bay and to attend the party, the tickets starts at $18 per tix. Not bad for a party, of course the most anticipating entry would be the fireworks.

Aren't they spectacular and breath taking?

Wish you a Happy New Year 2009!